Client Help: How to view invoice details

  1. Go to the billing tab (left hand side). 
  2. All of the invoices are weekly periods from Sunday through Saturday. 
    1. Available to view every Sunday. 
  3. If you want to export all of your invoices.
    1. Click the export as CSV button on the top right hand side.
  4. Once you have clicked on an invoice.
    1. At the top it will show you the date range for the invoice.
    2. Summary will show the number of deliveries, delivery fees, extra charges (can click to view extra charge details), total including taxes.
  5. Click on view PDF invoice. 
    1. It will open your invoice in a new tab where it will show you a summary of the line items (delivery count, delivery rate, extra charges/credits, taxes). 
  6. Click on Export as CSV 
    1. This will download a CSV version of your invoice details 
  7. Invoices must be paid within 30 days by auto withdrawal or credit card. Contact for more information. 


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